Conference Panel Guidelines
Panel sessions serve as discussion forums for issues of contemporary interest to IB scholars.
Panels are complete sessions organized as a single submission by the panel chair around a common theme.
Panels may have a variety of formats. Examples include roundtables with no formal papers, innovative presentations utilizing software or film, keynote and discussion with very senior scholar(s) not normally involved in EIBA, and professional development workshops.
Contributors are kindly reminded that the number of submissions (papers or panels) is limited to 3, not including pre- or post-conference events. The “rule of three” works for each contributor, even for those who submit papers or panel proposals as co-authors. Thank you for your understanding!
All panel proposals should be submitted via the submission system by opting for “panel proposal” after selecting the preferred conference track. We welcome panels in all areas of IB. The submission deadline for all proposals is 15 July 2023 (Saturday).
Proposals must conform to the following guidelines:
• The proposed title of the Panel Session;
• The proposed conference track to which the proposal fits;
• The organizer(s), contact information and affiliations;
• The relevance of the proposed Panel Session to the EIBA 2023 Conference, and the significance of the related contributions (max 1000 words);
• The participants’ contact information, affiliations, presentation/ paper titles and short abstracts (max 100 words per abstract). This list should contain at least four people who have confirmed their participation at the Conference.
All proposals should be prepared in Adobe PDF.
Panel sessions in which participants come from different universities and countries are encouraged. The acceptance of panels is subject to constraints in terms of the availability of rooms. The proposals will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers who will specifically take into consideration the following criteria:
• Relevance: Is the topic of the proposed panel session related to the main themes in International Business and/or the main theme of the EIBA 2023 Conference?
• Significance: Does the proposed panel offer value beyond the usual competitive or interactive paper sessions? Does it deal with issues that are interesting but underexplored? Does it propose something new in terms of conceptual or methodological approaches, or does it highlight an issue of considerable managerial or societal significance?
• Coherence: Do the presentations for the proposed session address sufficiently related questions or issues, and do they contribute to a coherent panel?
• Each panel lasts exactly 90 minutes
EIBA 2023 Lisbon Conference is organized by ISEG
Lisbon School of Economics & Management of University of Lisbon.