As every year, a number of awards will be presented for outstanding contributions to the EIBA conference and the IB community.
As not all the awards have been confirmed for this year, visit the “Awards” section on for more information.
So far, the following awards have been confirmed for the 2023 conference, with more to follow:
Danny Van Den Bulcke Best Paper Prize
For the best International Business paper presented at the conference – regardless of the age(s) of the author(s). The best papers of each track are nominated for the Danny Van Den Bulcke prize.
“It’s personal: The emotional dimension of psychic distance perception in intercultural knowledge transfer” by Qiu Wang (University of Huddersfield, UK), Jeremy Clegg (University of Leeds, UK), Hanna Gajewska-De Mattos (University of Leeds, UK) & Peter Buckley (University of Manchester, UK)
Copenhagen Business School Best Paper Prize
Awarded to the best conference IB paper written by a young scholar(s) – under 40 years of age.
“Picking the right cherries – The relevance of venture-CVC complementarity and CVC presence for new venture internationalization, location choice, and performance” by Ilka Weichert & Theresa Veer (University of Tübingen, Germany)
EIBA Distinguished Honorary Fellowship Award
Awarded by EIBA Fellows to recognize notable figures in the International Business world.
Elisa Ferreira (EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms)
EIBA Best Reviewer awards
Awarded to the best overall reviewer of the 49th EIBA Annual Conference – who generously donates time and energy to read papers and provides constructive comments to authors of EIBA Annual Conference submissions.
Linda Rademake (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
GSJ Global Strategy Research Prize
For the best paper relating to the topic of “Global Strategy” presented at the conference.
“The role of regional integration in the internationalization of state-owned enterprises from emerging economies” by Pavlina Jasovska (University of Technology Sydney, Australia), Thao Quyen Dang (RMIT University Vietnam, Vietnam), Ying Guo (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China), Hussain Rammal (University of Adelaide, Australia)
EIBA Best Doctoral Thesis Proposal in IB Award
Awarded to the best doctoral thesis proposal presented at the John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial.
“Bridging Cross-Country Differences: The Value of Immigrants for MNEs” by Julia Mittermayr (WU Vienna, Austria)
IBR Best Journal Paper of the Year Award
For the best IBR article published in the previous year’s volume.
“Multinational subsidiaries and green innovation.” (2022) by Valentina de Marchi, Giulio Cainelli & Roberto Grandinetti, IBR, 31(6): 102027
Best Paper in each Track awards
Awarded to the best paper in each one of the 14 tracks of the 49th EIBA Conference.
Track 1: The Changing Global Power Balance:
Challenges for European Firms
“How sustainable conduct impacts companies’ reactions to sanctions? The international survey” by Stępień Beata & Truskolaski Szymon (Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland)
Track 2: MNE Organization and Strategy
“Understanding the role of institutions in cross-border acquisition abandonment through a New Institutional Economics lens” by Johannes Kleinhempel (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Vincent E. Kunst (Utrecht University, Netherlands) & Riccardo Valboni (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Track 3: MNEs, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development
“The impact of control mechanisms and home-host institutional environment on the alignment of sustainability-Specific Strategic practices in Multinational Companies” by Stefano Franco (Politecnico di Bari, Italy), Alfredo Valentino (ESCE International Business School, France), Valentina Marano (Northeastern University, USA) & Matteo Caroli (Università Luiss Guido Carli, Italy)
Track 4: Subsidiary management and intra-corporate networks
“The Contingent Effects of Challenge Stressors and Hindrance Stressors on Multinational Corporations’ Subsidiary Performance” by Chong Yu (Middlesex University London, UK), Matthew Robson (Cardiff Univeristy, UK), Zhaleh Najafi-Tavani (University of Leeds, UK) & Ghasem Zaefarian (University of Leeds, UK)
Track 5: International Value Chains and Inter-firm Networks
“Resilience in times of war: how Ukrainian exporters enhance relational factors with foreign partners” by Oksana Kantaruk (ICN Business School, France), Raluca Mogos Descotes (Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, France) & José Pla Barber (Universidad de Valencia, Spain)
Track 6: Internationalization Process of SMEs and International Entrepreneurship
“Antecedents of E-Commerce Firms’ Wholly Owned Foreign Direct Investment” by Marius Mueller & Bernhard Swoboda (Trier University, Germany)
Track 7: International Marketing
“Interfirm International Exchange Relationship” by Aswo Safari (Mälardalen University, Sweden)
Track 8: International Finance, Accounting and Corporate Governance
“Joint venture growth and goal congruence of ultimate owners” by Maria Cristina Sestu (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Track 9: International HRM and Cross-Cultural Issues
“It’s personal: The emotional dimension of psychic distance perception in intercultural knowledge transfer” by Qiu Wang (University of Huddersfield, UK), Jeremy Clegg (University of Leeds, UK), Hanna Gajewska-De Mattos (University of Leeds, UK) & Peter Buckley (University of Manchester, UK)
Track 10: International Innovation and Technology Management
“AI-enabled value creation in International Business: Crossing the boundary of bounded rationality” by Mohammad Rana & Thomas. B Moeslund (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Track 11: International Business, Institutions and Public Policy
“Antitrust enforcement and first internationalization emerging market firms: Insights from Institutional escapism and springboard perspectives” by Zhihong Wen, Huan Zhang & Vikas Kumar (University of Sydney, Australia)
Track 12: Location, Digitalization and Servitization in IB
“Under the spotlight: Contextualizing the firm vs. industry debate through the introduction of neighborhood effects” by Anish Purkayastha (University of Sydney Business School, Australia), Siddharth Vedula (Technische Universität München, Germany) & Markus Fitza (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Germany)
Track 14: Emerging Markets
“Multinationalization of Family Firms: The Influence of Business Group Affiliation” by Somnath Lahiri (Illinois State University, USA), Arindam Mondal (Xavier School of Management, India) & Surender Munjal (Leeds University Business School, Leeds, UK)
The SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award, 2021-2023
The SSE Gunnar Hedlund Award is a prize for the best PhD thesis in the field of International Business.
In 1997, the Institute of International Business at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) established the award in memory of SSE Professor Gunnar Hedlund. The idea behind the award is that it should act as a vehicle to stimulate Ph.D. candidates around the world in the field of International Business, and also commemorate Professor Gunnar Hedlund’s important work in the field.
The award is administered by the Stockholm School of Economics, in collaboration with The European International Business Academy (EIBA). The winner receives a medal, a diploma and €10.000, and is announced bi-annually at the Annual Meeting of the European International Business Academy in December.
Submissions to the 2021-2023 prize will close on August 1, 2023.
More information:
Khadija van der Straaten (University of Amsterdam)
Inequality of Opportunities in Multinational Enterprises
EIBA 2023 Lisbon Conference is organized by ISEG
Lisbon School of Economics & Management of University of Lisbon.